A single tablet computer can be used to track the clock-ins and piece counts for multiple H2A or domestic crews. The Crew Summary feature lets you review the jobs, time and piece counts for the entire crew and for each of its members.
Workers can be clocked into jobs that define the function, piece or hourly pay type, piece rate and minimum wage. Time Portal calculates each worker’s pay based on the job, number of pieces, and amount of time spent on each job.
Time Portal lets you easily split a load of harvested melons between selected workers on a crew. At the end of the day, each worker can see their own piece count then sign off with their approval.
Workers can be provided with a barcoded badge or RFID wristband that can be scanned whenever they clock-in or clock-out of a job and also when assigning piece counts.
At the end of each day, workers can review their totals and provide their signature right on the tablet. Signatures appear on reports and provide evidence of compliance during an audit.